What a view!! Vacant 1.08-acre water view Lot in the stunning Sunbury Cove Estates! Have you ever been to Sunbury Cove?... if not, it's well worth the drive, or checking out the many highlighting videos online! From this lot you have year round beautiful views of the Northumberland Strait, and the Confederation Bridge on the horizon on clear days! There is also two designated paths for beach access, and when the tide goes out you can walk 100's of meters from shore on all the sandbars that appear... have you ever watched a sunset from a sandbar 500 feet from shore?... there's no words that describe it, but you can do that here! Build your year-round home or a summer getaway- live here, vacation here, or retire here! And with staggered/offset lots you're ensured no one will build directly in front of you! Take short drives and explore so much more of the island's beauty! Just 20 minutes from Summerside, 1 hour from Charlottetown, and only 1 offer away from making this life your reality!! (id:4069)